What is Quick Product View (Snap Shop) and what advantage does it give me?
Quick Product View (Snap shop) is implemented on your sub-section page. It allows your customers to view key product information in a pop-up window including: order information, product descriptions and multiple image views by hovering mouse over the product image from section page without leaving actual page.
When a customer hovers over the item image on a sub-section page, the snap shop icon (can be customized to match your site) will appear over the thumb image. When clicked on, the Snap Shop pop-in window will appear. Each window that is opened will be cascaded so that you can easily move the window anywhere on the page for side by side comparisons. If you have several windows open and want to locate an item easily, simply click on the access list icon on the bottom left side of the window and you’ll see the list of all items you have open.
Snap Shop will decrease the amount of clicks your customers need to make to get the correct item into your shopping cart, maximizing the amount of time your customers are shopping instead of waiting for pages to load.
Skin Customizations You can also have a custom skin layout applied to your window for an additional fee. The custom skin layout allows you to include icons, textured backgrounds and custom fonts.